› added 5 years ago


TIL that the most complex word in the English language, or the word with the longest dictionary definition, is the word "set", with 430 senses and a ~60,000-word definition in the Oxford English Dictionary.

66ZX TIL Jason Alexander, the actor for George on Seinfeld, once questioned Larry David about the script saying, “This could never happen to anyone, and even if it did, no human being would react like this.” David replied, “What do you mean? This happened to me once, and this is exactly how I reacted!”
epDa5 TIL Many plastic items in the grocery store have a set of three arrows forming a triangle with a number in the middle—but it’s not a recycling symbol. It’s a resin stamp indicating roughly the type of plastic it is. The petrochemical industry created it to make consumers think the item is recyclable
YpANB TIL of Castle Infinity, a video game that was shut down in 2000 but was brought back when the servers were recovered from a dumpster by a former player and programmer, who established a new development team and relaunched the game online.
rKM1 TIL that Shiro Ishii, a depraved Japanese doctor that conducted countless unethical experiments on Chinese prisoners, was pardoned by the US government in exchange for his research
7PWP TIL Canadians say “eh” because it is short for the Cree word “Eha” meaning “yes” or “I agree.” The Cree were some of the most prominent members of the Canadian fur trade, which shaped Canada’s history. Europeans adapted some of their behaviours, hence the saying eh.