› added 4 years ago


TIL: Relative to their size, leaf-blowers are among the most polluting machines ever invented. 1/3 of their fuel is released into the air unburned, as an aerosol; and the amount of pollutants released from running one for 30 minutes is equivalent to that of an F-150 driving from Texas to Alaska.

YMGB TIL in Korea, live baby octopus is served still wriggling on your plate - it is recommended that you chew it thoroughly before swallowing so that the tentacles don’t latch onto your throat while it goes down
ADLBl TIL the Aegean Sea is named after Aegeus, father of Theseus. Aegeus told Theseus to put up white sails when returning if he was successful killing the Minotaur. Theseus forgot & Aegeus subsequently drowned himself in the sea.
p8KVQ TIL after a Luftwаffe pilоt saw the SS kіlling Jеws, he faked illnеss to avoid combаt, missed targets, and tampered with bоmbs. For 20 years after the wаr, he anоnymously donаted 2/3 of his incоme to Jеwish orphаns and Holоcaust survіvors. In 1965, he emigrated to Israеl and convеrted to Judаism
neX8G TIL that a 1916 zoning law in NYC allows skyscrapers to go as high as they want as long as they cut back in on themselves. The “setback law” allows for sunlight and air to pass through to smaller buildings and street level. These tiered skyscrapers helped to give rise to the Art Deco style.
yQvW8 TIL a $40M lottery winner in China wore a monkey costume to hide his identity. Apparently this has become a trend for many lottery winners in China from ninjas to Baymax from Big Hero 6.