› added 5 years ago


TIL that a horse, Beau, saved his stablemate, Beatrice, from being put down. The shire horse had collapsed and the owners, unable to lift her, set a deadline for when she'd have to be put down. With 20 mins left, Beau went to Beatrice, bit the back of her neck and helped her stand up. She recovered.

JY5dm TIL the Great Indian Bustard was a major candidate for being India's national bird, but over fears that it would be misspelled "Great Indian Bastard", it was rejected in favor of the peacock. Since then, the peacock has been thriving, while the bustard has been on the verge of extinction.
Br4dD TIL that the Hooded Pitohui is one of the first known poisonous birds. Their feathers give off a neurotoxin (homobatrachotoxin) which causes numbness and has previously only been found in the skin of poison dart frogs. It inhabits the rainforests and tropical jungles of New Guinea.
neYmb TIL When Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson was 15 years old, his family was going through a rough period. After losing their apartment, his mother Ata Johnson, stopped their car on a Nashville highway and tried to walk into oncoming traffic. The Rock grabbed her and pulled her back, saving her life.
WkYLB TIL Ada Lovelace, the only legitimate daughter of the famous poet Lord Byron, is widely considered to be the very first “computer programmer” based on her notes for an “Analytical Engine” written more than 150 years ago
wLOJP TIL that Adolf Hitler joined the Nazi Party as a spy, when the German Army ordered him to infiltrate the organization.