› added 4 years ago


TIL The 2007 reality show 'Kids Nation' had an accident where several children required medical attention after drinking bleach that had been left in an unmarked soda bottle. Another injury happened to one 11-year-old girl who burned her face with splattered grease while cooking.

wl46 TIL in 1996, a black teenager, while marching to protest a KKK rally in Michigan, protected a white man, who had an “SS” tattoo and and a confederate flag shirt, from the attacks of a crowd. She threw herself on him to deflect the mob’s strikes, due to her belief that “nobody deserves to be hurt.”
8adOK TIL the worst human stampede in Britain was when 183 children were crushed to death in a stairway rushing to collect gifts from the entertainers after a variety show, in June 1883
jmEp TIL that the first e-commerce transaction was in the 70’s for cannabis between students from MIT and Stanford
oebA TIL In 1988, a man with severe OCD shot himself in the head in an attempt to commit suicide. Instead of killing him, the bullet destroyed the part of his brain that was responsible for his OCD, and he went on to become a straight-A college student a few years later.
nWlAB TIL that British Royalty used to place Wax or Wood figures of the deceased on top of their coffin before burial and for display afterward in Westminster Abbey. More than 20 of these funeral effigies, dating back to Edward III from 1377, remain and are on display at the Westminster Abbey Museum.