› added 3 years ago


TIL an experiment showed that baby mice can inherit certain fears from their parents via DNA

VMDYB TIL during the Vietnam War, the 1st Infantry Division captured a vital road by sending the division band to march and play music on it. The North Vietnamese troops holding the area thought the music meant a major assault was on the way and fled.
R7VVj TIL: In Back to the Future, the theatre in the background behind the clock tower shows "Orgy American Style" being shown. This is an actual porno from 1973. The male star from that porno played Red the Bum in the film, calling Marty a crazy drunk driver when returns to the present.
YWMP TIL Standard and Poors, the rating company (and among others) that helped create the financial meltdown of 2008 was “paid a fortune by Wall Street to hand out pristine AAA ratings to the subprime mortgage-backed securities”
5V98r TIL During the shooting event of the 1965 World Pentathlon Championships, Herbert Polzhuber drank 10 glasses of beer and a bottle of cognac, stepped onto the shooting platform, shot all his bullets directly into the ground and passed out. Alcohol would be banned from shooting events shortly after.
rNYBd TIL about the Löwenmensch or Lion Man of Germany. About 12-in. tall, this statue of an anthropomorphic cave lion is about 35,000 to 40,000 years old and was carved from a mammoth tusk. The oldest statue ever discovered, it was found in the same caves as the earliest musical instruments.