› added 4 years ago


TIL: The first-ever solar-powered satellite, Vanguard 1, is "the oldest human-made object still in orbit" (plus some of its launch rocket). Launched in 1958, it stopped talking in 1964 but continues orbiting. The three sats older than it (Sputniks 1 & 2, Explorer 1) are no longer in orbit.

E1Gmw TIL That the Wright Brothers, often credited with inventing, building, and flying the world's first successful motor-operated airplane, were also known for their subsequent Patent War, which was credited for stalling development of the U.S. aviation industry
p8vPe TIL that Mike Patton of the band Faith No More has the widest vocal range in popular music with a slightly larger than 6 Octave range.
OM57 TIL in 1836 a group of young boys discovered a group of 17 miniature coffins buried in a cave outside Edinburgh, Scotland. The coffins contain tiny dolls, each individually dressed, and the coffins all differ in their decoration. No one knows who buried them, when, or why.
vP55K TIL that a politician gave a food review of kebab while speaking in parliament. Australian Senator Sam Dastyari gave a "10 out of 10" rating to the kebab snack pack sold at King Kebab House, and advised others to also enjoy "a great Australian tradition of meat in a box".
788JL TIL it was theorized through the 19th century that the Arctic Ocean got warmer as it got closer to the North Pole. The "Open Polar Sea" could provide trade routes through an equator-like temperate climate to Asia, Europe, and the Americas. It was disproven by dozens of failed expeditions.