› added 4 years ago


TIL That in In Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Ohio, idiots don’t have the right to vote.

EgrbW TIL the first seal of Massachusetts Bay Colony showed a nude American Indian with a bush covering his groin, an arrow in his hand pointed down and a scroll over his mouth with the words "Come over and help us." This seal emphasized the missionary and commercial intentions of the first colonists.
4mRJ TIL skipping the microphone/menu and going straight to the first window at In-N-Out is referred to as a “Home Run”. Your reciept will mention the fact that you have scored a “Home Run”. I found this out first hand by mistake today.
Oo097 TIL that the Black Knight in Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail was inspired by two Roman wrestlers who were in a very intense and entangled fight. After one surrendered from pain of a broken rib an attendant picked up the winner, tapping him and saying "You won" to discover that he was dead.
W7Eo9 TIL that a Photographer was rewarded 1.2 Million USD because a Bird Control Company used his Picture of a Dove without Permission although the Company had hired him for the Picture in the first place. They had continued to use it anyway outside the original contractual Purpose.
XEa1P TIL American mechanic Walter Hunt is regarded as the inventor of the safety pin that bears resemblance to those used today. The safety pin included a clasp that covered the point and kept it from opening, and a circular twist at the bend to act as a spring and hold it in place.