› added 4 years ago


TIL that Hanns Scharff, a German Luftwaffe interrogator, used kindness and subterfuge to interrogate his charges. Hans created a bond with captured Allied pilots. His stratagem was subtle and calculated, and he never resorted to hurting any of the people with whom he came into contact

7BPO TIL That PETA has killed over 34,000 animals. Most of which were healthy babies. Many were surrendered to PETA for it’s advertised adoption services which it never provided.
0ZmL TIL an ad for Apple was almost a shot-by-shot rip-off of a music video of The Postal Service, created by the same producers and without consent from the band.
d8yvZ TIL that the live penguins that starred in Batman Returns (1992) had their own refrigerated dressing rooms and a swimming pool. The set was kept cold for them. Danny DeVito was the only one who was comfortable, because of the extensive face prosthetics, heavy padding, and heavy coat he had to wear.
pYyw4 TIL in 1862 John Langdon Down was the first to describe a distinct mental disability, calling it "Mongolism" due to his perception that children with it shared facial similarities. Now called Down Syndrome, was discovered in the 1950s to be caused by the presence a third copy of chromosome 21.
6EdX8 TIL If humans keep fishing at the current pace, there will be no more fish left in the oceans by 2048: The existing world fishing fleet is two to three times larger than the oceans can support and 85 percent of the world’s fish populations are either nearly extinct or on the way to extinction.