› added 3 years ago


TIL about Dr. Chester Southam who injected live cancer cells into people with questionable ability to consent, including senile patients under long-term care. He was charged with unprofessional conduct and later went on to become President of the American Association for Cancer Research

JNjB TIL The King of Jordan, King Abdullah II, appeared as an extra on an episode of Star Trek and is currently building a Star Trek themed amusement park in Jordan.
E14Gw TIL In 1932, General Macarthur and then Major Patton Tear-Gassed WWI Veterans Calling Themselves The "Bonus Army." They Had Marched On Washington Demanding Full Payment For Their Service During WWI. 2 Vets Were Killed. Historians Claim That Without The Protest, There May Have Never Been A GI Bill.
OroY TIL 1816 was called “The Year Without a Summer” after the eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia. Crop failure forced Joseph Smith to leave Vermont, and his journeys resulted in “The Book of Mormon,” the dreary rain in Switzerland drove Mary Shelley to stay indoors, where she wrote “Frankenstein.”
GaZG TIL Usain Bolt demands his ad shoots to be done in Jamaica to bring money to his country
AD6vn TIL In 1608, English writer Thomas Coryat wrote a book detailing his five months’ travel through Europe in which he described, among other things, use of the table fork as an eating utensil. He also introduced “umbrella” into English after noticing Italians shielding themselves from the sun.