› added 11 years ago


TIL Jesse Owens, 4 time Gold Medalist at the 1936 Berlin Olympics was not invited to the White House by FDR after winning them. He said this about not being invited, “Hitler didn’t snub me – it was FDR who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram.”

EgxY7 TIL: National Park Services has their own Investigative Services Branch. The FBI of of the NSB, solving decades old Cold Cases in the worst of conditions.
O9Ba TIL Field Marshall Montgomery once made a bet with Walter Bedell Smith that is if he could capture the city of Sfax by April 1943 he would receive a B17 bomber. When Monty completed his half of the bet, Smith backed out: The matter escalated all the way to Eisenhower who ensured Monty got his B17.
ZaYo TIL: Mattel made an Earring Magic Ken doll in 1993, complete with frosted hair, a purple mesh shirt, lavender vest and an earring in his left ear. Dubbed the “Alternative Lifestyle” Ken, the doll was almost completely sold out of stores by Christmas, due to the gay community’s interest.
oBo98 TIL: In 2019, 274 Black children under the age of 10 were killed by BLACK PEOPLE... NOBODY, except their mothers, seems to give a damn about them. TIL That Black Lives Only Matter to Black People When A White Cop Kills A Black Person
JKD8 TIL that “antisocial” is commonly used as the term to describe the enjoyment to harm, show disregard to, or be hostile towards organized society. “Asocial” is the correct term for simply not enjoying being with people and/or interacting with them.