› added 7 years ago


TIL that because the concrete of the Hoover Dam was poured into individual, rectangular shaped sections, rather than with a single, continuous pour, the physical dam itself will survive up to 10,000 years and be one of the last remaining visible and recognizable monuments of humans on the planet.

VMA1m TIL director Peter Weir wanted to have cameras installed in behind every theater showing ‘The Truman Show’ and have the projectionist cut the power at some point during the film, cut to the viewers so they'd be watching themeselves, and then cut back to the movie.
D1OWP TIL that Goliath from "David and Goliath" might have suffered from visual field restriction (bitemporal hemianopsia) as a consequence of the brain tumor that caused his gigantism. He was likely easy pickings for the small and nimble David.
d8doK TIL about "Fractal Elves", which are entities perceived by users of psychedelic drugs like DMT with references found in cultures ranging from shamanic traditions of Native Americans to indigenous Australians and African tribes
5YG9p TIL about the Leap-The-Dips, the oldest operating roller coaster in the world. It was opened in 1902, and currently resides at Lakemont Park, in Altoona, Pennsylvania. The coaster has a top speed of 10MpH.
0nKL TIL if a professional wrestler really gets injured during a match the referee will raise his arms over his head into an “X” shape to signal to backstage officials and paramedics that something is legitimately wrong.