› added 4 years ago


TIL that in 1985 France bombed and sank a Greenpeace ship called the Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand using secret agents under the codename "Opération Satanique"

a849y TIL that a linguistic's research led by Seymour (2003) shows that, on average, English-native learners take 2 more years to learn to read (decode) the same words than groups of learners in another country learning to read in their language, say, Finnish, which has an easier & more systematic system.
pY7A4 TIL - MacGyver series ran from 1985 until 1992, as a result, for 37+ years we've been using the word "MacGyvered" as an adjective meaning "adapted or improvised in an ingenious or expedient way.". In March 2019, the term was officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary.
8aYB8 TIL: In 2006, the FBI came up with a terror plot involving "full scale ground war" taking out the Sears Tower. The 7 convicted never had any contact with Al Qaeda, never acquired weapons, explosives or formed actual plans & whole plot was thought up by the FBI informant. From 7-13 years prison.
XPGk TIL LSD is non-addictive, is not known to cause brain damage, has extremely low toxicity relative to dose, there have been no documented deaths from an overdose, it is physiologically well tolerated and there is no evidence for long-lasting physiological effects on the brain or other organs.
v1eYx TIL Ontario, second largest province of Canada, allows adults to smoke weed anywhere tobacco is allowed