› added 6 years ago


TIL in Saddam Hussein's Iraq, the punishment for theft was amputation of the right hand and a branding on the forehead. Doctors who performed cosmetic procedures to hide the brand would have their right hand amputated and have their forehead branded.

ADxyd TIL Mick Jagger starred as the infamous Australian Bushranger (Outlaw) Ned Kelly in a 1970 film Ned Kelly. He requested an audition in 1975 as Dr. Frank N Furter in the film adaptation of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, producers had their eyes set on Tim Curry who played the character in theatre.
rN974 TIL In 2000, when the cast of "Friends" wouldn't come down from their $1,050,000/episode salary demands, NBC's Garth Ancier produced promos saying "You've loved them for seven years, see how it all ends with the series finale of Friends this Thursday". The cast agreed to lower salaries.
6EORY TIL Hernán Cortés arrived in the New World in 1519 with six hundred men and, upon arrival, made history by destroying his ships. This sent a clear message to his men: There is no turning back. His men would have to conquer or die. Two years later, he succeeded in his conquest of the Aztec empire.
06GN TIL Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin only met one time, in which Joplin ended up smashing a bottle of whiskey on Morrison’s head after growing angry over his suggestive behavior toward her. Morrison was only more attracted to Joplin afterward and pursued her for weeks.
JYW9m TIL about John Howard Griffin, a journalist who in 1959 took anti-vitiligo drugs and spent 15 hours daily under an ultraviolet lamp to temporarily "become" a black man and travel through the South for six weeks.