› added 4 years ago


TIL Moments before taking office, Brazillian president Itamar Franco handed senators a piece of paper on which he had listed his personal net worth and properties. A popular president, his approval rating reached 60 percent and it soared to nearly 80–90 percent at end of term

WkK68 TIL Amtrak always attempts to stick to schedule, even during a time change. If the time goes backward, the train will sit at a station for an hour so it's not early. If the time goes forward, it will run an hour behind schedule and attempt to catch up.
6Eonm TIL that the reason we refer to people as redheads instead of more accurately as “orangeheads” is because both the fruit and the word to describe its color doesn’t enter the English language until the 1300’s.
gMNpy TIL A rapper called Mac is serving 30 years in prison for manslaughter. In 2001, the prosecutors based their case on the lyrics of his songs and he was convicted although someone else confessed to the murder. Since then, four eyewitnesses said they were coerced by prosecution to testify.
0wD8j TIL The actor who played "Flounder" in Animal House, Stephen Furst, was a pizza delivery boy in Hollywood when he landed the role. He taped a photo of himself inside the lid of each pizza he delivered in the hopes of being discovered.
69Pxl TIL of the Mad Gasser of Mattoon - an individual dressed in black that was believed to be responsible for gas attacks in Mattoon, Illinois during the 1940s. Despite claims and eye witnesses many have written it off as a mass hysteria event or one caused by the inhalation of pollutants/substances.