› added 4 years ago


TIL In 1954 Frank Sinatra and Joe DiMaggio broke into an apartment they believed DiMaggio’s wife Marilyn Monroe was using to have an affair. They rushed upstairs with a camera but soon realized they had accidentally broken into the neighboring apartment of 39-year-old secretary Florence Kotz

eKEk TIL there are rainbow mountains in China that have formed as the result of 24 million years of multicolored sandstone pressed together.
wR7 TIL that US presidents must pay for food in The White House
JnyB TIL Cats are the most popular pets in the world and that 1 out of every 3 American households have one.
gMQgW TIL it rains spiders in Australia
ADdJw TIL in 1964 the Rolling Stones wrote and performed a jingle for a Rice Krispies commercial.