› added 9 years ago


TIL In 2011 Los Zetas kidnapped hundreds of innocent bus passengers in Mexico and made them fight to death like gladiators. The winners were sent on suicide missions

N74v8 TIL Marketing to children, such as commercials and toys based off kids shows, was illegal in the United States until Ronald Reagan took office. He changed that law, which started the “Dark Ages of Animation.” This lasted until 1991, when Nickelodeon changed to focus on animators and storytelling
mxa4O TIL that Edward Rulloff, a 19th-century serial killer, doctor, philologist, and inventor, was deemed so intelligent that even after his conviction for murder, some believed he was too valuable to be hanged. Even Mark Twain jokingly offered to find a replacement to take his place at the gallows.
4MNb TIL Sean Bean is terrified of flying. So during Lord of the Rings when the cast had to fly to remote shoot locations by helicopter, like the snowy mountains, he travelled part of the way via ski-lift and then spend two hours walking the remainder of the journey, in full Boromir costume.
N7Mge TIL London Cab drivers protested Uber by bringing gridlock across central London. Bringing nearly 1000% increase to app installations and caused a stark decease in Black cabs uses hastening their decline.
XEg5P TIL The Red-lipped Batfish, found around the Galapagos Island, have modified fins that are completely un-fish-like. The fish rests on the sea floor, it can move on its pectoral and pelvic fins as if it was walking