› added 8 years ago


TIL after the producers of the 1994 ACM Awards told Alan Jackson he would have to sing over a backing track instead of live instrumentation, he had his drummer “play” without sticks in an act of protest (video included).

DQ1lg TIL amidst early concerns about leaded gas, the engineer who discovered tetraethyllead as an additive demonstrated its 'safety' by pouring it over his hands and inhaling its vapor, stating he could do this every day without issue. He later took a leave of absence due to lead poisoning.
rgnx TIL doctors from UCLA found unique blood cells that can help fight infections in a man from Seattle’s spleen, so they stole the cells from his body and developed it into medicine without paying him, getting his consent, or even letting him know they were doing it.
GM15 TIL Walt Disney’s original vision for EPCOT was to build a constantly transforming, livable, planned community devoted to the happiness of its residents and that would solve many of the ills of city life. He called it the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow, or EPCOT for short.
W7ygA TIL the 1993 Chinese film, "An Old Man and his Dog" was banned in its native country for decades due to the discovery that the dog trainer and body double to the lead actor was a serial killer who fed his victims to dogs, including the ones onscreen.
D1ZMj TIL that ancient Egyptians had 12 months of exactly 30 days each, with five epagomenal days to bring the total to 365. Each month was divided into three 10-day periods known as decans or decades.