› added 12 years ago


TIL that a high school football coach got half the fans of his own team to cheer for the other team, because the other team was from a maximum-security juvenile correctional facility and didn’t have any fans of their own.

rWed TIL Antarctica has 24 different time zones. The scientists who reside there go by either the time of their home land or the supply line that brings them food and equipment.
dD0Z8 TIL In the 1500s, a priest named Diego de Landa asked a Maya scribe to produce an alphabet of his language and write a sentence. The sentence the scribe wrote was "Ma’ in k’áati’" (I don't want to). The sentence was deciphered in the late 1900s as Maya writing is syllabic, not alphabetic.
e0bAL TIL "Alpha: Black Lotus" is an incredibly powerful card and is the most expensive and iconic Magic card in existence. Featured on Magic's Reserved List, it will never be reprinted, ensuring it will always be the rarest and most precious card in the world.
mxPPO TIL that Italian law states that only products totally made in Italy (planning, manufacturing and packaging) are allowed to use the label Made in Italy compared with "Made in Germany" (all essential manufacturing steps) or "Made in the USA" (virtually all). Abuse is punished by the Italian law.
E1Amw TIL Volvo renamed their Cream Yellow paint color "Faded Yellow" in Australia, because they knew the paint would eventually fade under the Australian sun due to the technology at the time.