› added 1 year ago


TIL that there has been an alternative to the standard http internet, called Project Xanadu, in continuous development for the past 62 years, and was called "the longest running vaporware" even back in 1995.

Ydkx TIL in 2013 a 65-year-old Seattle woman set out to fast for 100 days in order to prove that humans can sustain themselves solely on air, water, and light. She ended her experiment after 47 days.
yQBa8 TIL Buckminster Fuller was a renaissance man -- expert in architecture, design, engineering, science, cartography and education. Self-described 'comprehensive anticipatory design scientist ' generating ideas and artifacts that cross boundaries and defy normality
Lkaed TIL Martin Luther King Jr., in his last speech "I've Been to the Mountaintop," anticipated his early demise but was contented to be in the same position as the Biblical Moses, who could look on the promised land but would die before ever reaching it. King was assassinated the next day.
ADQJa TIL in 1999 a study showed that a supermarket sold more French wine when stereotypically French music was played instore. This also worked with German wine/music. Customers later claimed that they were ‘unaware’ of the music’s influence.
0xv1 TIL: On August 13, 1966, in response to John Lennon’s “More popular than Jesus” comment, a radio station in Texas held a burning of Beatles merchandise. The next day, the broadcast tower was struck by lightning, damaging much of their equipment and sending the news director to the hospital.