› added 2 years ago


TIL Miranda Gibson lived on a small platform 60 metres above the ground in a 400-year-old Eucalyptus tree to protect the surrounding forest. A bush fire forced her to evacuate after 449 days but Tasmania’s Wilderness World Heritage Area was officially extended by 170,000 hectares a few months later.

9YL5m TIL a study of 1000 vervet monkeys from St. Kitts Island supplied with alcoholic drinks showed traits similar to human drinkers. Researchers found that the majority of monkeys were social drinkers, 15% were regular drinkers, 15% were teetotalers, and 5% were binge drinkers.
PYbew TIL of Bayard Rustin, the gay civil rights leader and advisor to MLK who singlehandedly shaped his non-violent protest methods. He was forced to resign to protect the movement when a congressman threatened to fabricate a story of an affair between him and King to dissuade protests in his district.
pNjQ TIL the story of Teddy Roosevelt sparing a bear cub is a myth, he just didn’t want to kill it himself because it was bad sport. The bear’s neck was cut open and they ate its paws that night for dinner with possum.
P1kkL TIL the McLaren F1 is so valuable now, that it is essentially impossible for one to be "written off" by an insurance company, since the repair costs will always be less than the value of the car. Furthermore, McLaren will fully repair a crashed F1, no matter how substantial the damage.
kXn7 TIL that Alan Turing, the pioneering computer scientist / cryptographer, and Ian Fleming, the author of the James Bond novels, worked together during WWII. They rarely agreed on anything.