› added 2 years ago


TIL that US tick populations have exploded in the past 15 years, causing a surge in often misdiagnosed tick-borne diseases. One expert said, "If people could see what I'm seeing, they would never go outside."

xVWKB TIL In the mid-80s, Apple produced a whole range of clothing and accessories, designed for those who clamoured to get hold of products with the older, multi-coloured logo on them. It even produced its own catalogue, called the "Apple Collection",
Wk9dB TIL of the Woozle effect which occurs when frequent citation of publications that lack evidence misleads the public into thinking or believing there is evidence and nonfacts become urban myths and factoids. It is based upon an imaginary character from Winnie the Pooh.
D7GV TIL there is a frog which lets itself completely freeze into a ‘frogsicle’ every Winter. Its heart stills, blood stops flowing, and eyes go white because its lenses freeze. In the Summer it thaws and hops away, good as new!
JY79m TIL about Operation Chariot. The WWII mission where 611 British Commandos rammed a disguised, explosive laden destroyer, into one of the largest Nazi submarine bases in France filled with 5000 nazis, withdrew under fire, then detonated the boat, destroying one of the largest dry docks in the world.
Me4d0 TIL that Jelly Belly makes "Sport Beans" designed to provide physical energy and enhance athletic performance. They contain carbohydrates, electrolytes and vitamins. "Extreme Sport Beans" include the additional boost of caffeine.