› added 2 years ago


TIL that austrian poet Georg Trakl (1887-1914) was a pharmacist and served as a medical officer in the Austro-Hungarian Army. In the battle of Gródek (September 1914), he had to take care of 90 severely wounded soldiers all by himself for two days. Trakl overdosed on cocaine in November 1914.

e0Lok TIL that Walter Breuning stopped smoking cigars at age 103 because they became too expensive. At age 108, he began smoking cigars again after receiving a lot of gifts of cigars. He ultimately ended up living to age 114.5 and was the second-last verified surviving man born in the 1800s.
xVaVk TIL Brazil has 49 prisons with no guards, where a system of self-rule among inmates has proved a striking success. These prisons "are cheaper to run, have lower rates of recidivism, and are designed to benefit the wider community."
ADK0n TIL when threatened, a Tomato Frog puffs up its body, the frog's skin secretes a thick substance that numbs up the predator's eyes and mouth, causing the predator to release the frog to free up its eyes.
wL4l1 TIL that around 400,000 labourers died during the construction of the Great Wall of China and many of these labourers were buried within the wall itself.
YjZ7 TIL found roaming outside Canberra, Australia, Chris the sheep avoided shearing for years. The fleece was so massive, Chris could barely walk. It took five shearers 42 minutes to remove 89 pounds of wool, which set an (unofficial) world record for most wool.