› added 6 days ago


TIL That the Motion Picture Production Code not only censored things like profanity and sexuality, it also prevented a number of anti-Nazi movies from being made in the 1930’s due to it’s prohibition of “another country’s institutions and prominent people” being depicted “in an unfavorable light”.

xPkB TIL The show Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends has been narrated by Ringo Starr, George Carlin, Alec Baldwin and Pierce Brosnan.
Mkr8 TIL that in 2010, Taco Bell secretly reduced the sodium content of its food at 150 Dallas area restaurants by 23%. Without telling anyone, they replaced the salt with “other spices and other ingredients.” Two months later, they had received exactly zero complaints about the changes.
N7ObQ TIL that in smaller bomb blasts such as suicide bombings only 6% of people on average die from shrapnel wounds, the real danger is blast overpressure, which will rapture lungs. If you have time, you’re actually best off to not hold your breath, but to open your mouth, breathing in small intervals.
6xN8 TIL before the rise of the Nazi party in Germany Berlin had a period called the Golden Twenties. It was known for its leadership roles in science, the humanities, music, film, higher education, government, diplomacy, industries and military affairs.
6E8Vl TIL that in the Antebellum South, slaves dreaded January 1 -- A.K.A. "Heartbreak Day" -- because New Year's Day was traditionally when debts were settled, resulting in black families being torn apart as slave owners sold or rented slaves out long-term to pay back those they owed money to.