› added 1 year ago


TIL about the Kadaknath chicken breed in India. Because of melanin pigmentation, the entire chicken is black or grey-black in colour, including plumage, legs and toenails, beak, tongue, comb and wattles; even the meat, bones, blood and organs

Xa78 TIL the 2014 film “Nightcrawler” was inspired by a photographer named Arthur Fellig, who in the 1930’s, installed a police-band shortwave radio in his car and maintained a complete darkroom in the trunk. He’d often beat authorities to the scene, then sell his gory photos to the tabloids.
mxeoy TIL The Flying Train - Wuppertal Schwebebahn - is the oldest electric elevated railway with hanging cars in the world. Built between 1897 & 1903, the first track opened in 1901. The Schwebebahn is still in use today as a normal means of local public transport, moving 25 million passengers annually.
JZnm TIL according to a Federal Reserve Bank study, poor kids who do everything right don’t do any better than rich kids who do everything wrong. It’s called “opportunity hoarding,” so not only is there a glass ceiling, there’s also a glass floor.
E1KwP TIL CIA Operative Edward Lansdale tricked Filipino Hukbalahap rebels by making it appear that vampires were Killing Their Members In The Jungle
Q1l6 TIL that China has mobile “execution vans” that drive around carrying out the death penalty. The government claims this is both more cost-effective and more humane than traditional methods. China executed at least 1,634 people in 2015.