› added 1 year ago


TIL John Candy, Harold Ramis and Eugene Levy had voice acting roles in Heavy Metal, the 1981 adult animated film. Candy played multiple roles; Ramis' character yells "nose dive!" and snorts "Plutonian Nyborg" while co-piloting a spaceship; and Levy played crooked space captain Lincoln F. Sternn

j6MkM TIL Longyearbyen, Norway is the world's northernmost settlement with a population greater than 1,000. There is a ban on cats, a monthly alcohol purchase limit, and a requirement to carry a rifle while outside for protection from polar bears.
P1JRn TIL President Diouf began an anti-AIDS program in Senegal, before the virus was able to take off. He used media and schools to promote safe-sex messages and required prostitutes to be registered. While AIDS was decimating much of Africa, the infection rate for Senegal stayed below 2 percent
LkJ4d TIL that Massachusetts, one of the least obese states to begin with, is one of the only states in the Union to report a drop in obesity rates within the past few years.
KOpla TIL President Kennedy's daughter Caroline was given a puppy by the Soviets in 1961. The puppy's mother, Strelka, had earlier been launched into space during Sputnik. JFK's Thank You letter to the Soviets opened a channel of communication that helped divert the Cuban Missile Crisis 16 months later.
KY8OR T​IL about James Graham​, ​a 18th century Scottish sexologist, who treated patients at his 'Celestial Bed', a canopied "wonder-working edifice" covered in musical automata, fresh flowers & live turtle dove​s, and which stimulated couples to conceive with oriental fragrances and celestial sounds