› added 11 months ago


TIL about Lake Vostok, an Antarctic subglacial lake kept liquid at -3 degrees Celsius due to the sheer pressure of the 4000 meters thick ice sheet above it. Having been isolated for around 25 million years, the lake is said to hold clues about potential extraterrestial life on the icy moon Europa

woeVP TIL that during his development, Nintendo almost made Waluigi an evil version of Princess Peach named "Warupichi," but he ultimately became the evil Luigi because Wario needed a doubles partner in Mario Tennis for the Nintendo 64
LQErZ TIL The Shawshank Redemption oak tree was partially destroyed in 2011 when it was split by lightning. The tree was completely felled by strong winds on or around July 22, 2016, and its vestiges cut down in April 2017. The remains were turned into memorabilia, including rock hammers and magnets.
nW97B TIL the first digital computer, ENIAC, was programmed by six women in the 1940s. Fran Bilas, Betty Jennings, Ruth Lichterman, Kay McNulty, Betty Snyder, and Marlyn Wescoff's contributions were overlooked for decades. Their pioneering work laid the foundation for modern computing.
QJjr9 TIL that bullshit jobs are jobs - such as manufactured middle-management positions - which even the person doing it can’t really justify its existence, but have to pretend that there’s some reason for it to exist.
1ZnV TIL that a man in Nebraska is breeding red cows and sending them to Israel in hopes of a pure red heifer being born there; such an event will allegedly prompt Jews to build a Third Temple, which fundamentalist Christians believe will usher in Jesus’ Second Coming.