› added 5 years ago


TIL in 1909, the United States Government confiscated Coca-Cola products because the high caffeine content breached a food safety law. This case went all to the way to the Supreme Court, and the government won, forcing Coca-Cola to pay all court costs and reduce their product's caffeine content.

vP6OK TIL that there's a social experiment going on, with a ring that you wear that shows, that you are single and ready to be approached outside of bars and nightclubs as well. The idea is, to get people motivated to try out real life more than dating apps
m1jQy TIL male Orchid Bees collect fragrances solely for the purposes of olfactory display to woo females; they are the only species known to do this.
e0N8b TIL that in 1917, Germany transported 32 dissidents back to Russia hoping to cause problems for the Russian government. Among them were V. I. Lenin and his wife.
loxJK TIL of The Hackney Mole Man who was evicted from his house in 2006 after he had secretly hollowed out a web of tunnels and caverns, some 8m (26ft) deep, underneath his London home, ultimately putting the neighbourhood at risk. He denied this, saying: „I tried to dig a wine cellar.“
16ogd TIL that Spain had a theocratic guardianship system akin to Saudi Arabia's until 1985, granting men near-total control over their wives and daughters. Women needed their guardian's consent to open a bank account, work, or drive, and men could legally kill their female partners for extramarital sex.