› added 3 years ago


TIL: The Great Cranberry Scare of 1959 occurred when scientists found traces of a carcinogen in a batch of cranberries just ahead of Thanksgiving. People panicked and the cranberry industry ground to a complete halt, but the cranberry business survived. In fact, it went on to thrive.

M7o5V TIL that the Alyeska (Trans-Alaska) Pipeline was built 11 mi (~18 km) "too long" to account for the fact that yearly temperatures in Alaska have a ~150 F (~65 C) range, which causes the pipeline to grow and shrink in length by up to 5 mi (~8 km).
Okl1 TIL when reporter Jerry Mitchell went to a screening of a movie about the murder of civil rights workers in the 60s, he wondered why the suspects weren’t tried for murder. He investigated the case and discovered evidence which helped convict one of the participants for murder in 2005.
OR4X TIL that South Africa was one of the few countries that was unable to watch the Moon Landing live in 1969. Television was banned in South Africa at the time because there were fears that it would promote race mixing against nonwhites as the country was under Apartheid
kGYB TIL in 2005 a portion of T-Rex bone was dissolved in acid, it revealed soft tissue with sections of possible DNA.
1avNW TIL that Warner Bros. allowed Bugs Bunny to appear in 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit?' under the stipulation that he only appear opposite Mickey Mouse, and that the two receive the same amount of screen time. The resulting scene is the only time in film history that the two have shared the screen together