› added 4 years ago


TIL Princess Leia's ship in A New Hope, Tantive IV, was the original design for the Millennium Falcon

4k4bw TIL James Salisbury, inventor of the Salisbury steak, was a physician during the American Civil War. He was convinced that vegetables were responsible for heart disease and mental illness, and that Salisbury steak should be eaten three times a day for bodily defense and weight loss.
LQpad TIL when Mike Meaney began his record attempt at being buried alive he neglected to tell his wife about his plan. She found out from listening to the radio. He staged workouts in a pub while in an oversized coffin, ate a diet of steak and cigarettes, and then spent 61 days buried alive
v11L8 TIL the Fuegian dog, was a domesticated culpeo, a native fox to South America that resembles a red fox, by the indigenous Yaghan peoples. They were exterminated by white settlers for being dangerous to the settler's goats.
Oov97 TIL breaking the ice origin When ships were primary trade, they often got stuck in ice in the winter. Trade ships coming into port were frequently met by small ships sent out by the receiving nation to break the ice&clear way. The gesture demonstrated welcome&understanding between the 2 countries
b6kN9 TIL in 2007, Steve Way weighed over 100kg, smoked 20 cigarettes a day, and ate junk food regularly. To overcome his lifestyle-related health issues, he began taking running seriously. In 2008, he completed the London Marathon in under 3 hours, and in 2014, he set the British 100 km record.