› added 4 years ago


TIL A woman in New South Wales successfully sued her twin sister for over $170,000 after a sneeze changed her life. The sister lost control of the car & hit a tree after she sneezed. She suffered lower back pain as a result and the court held that it hindered her ability to work long hours.

nWLG7 TIL about Zimmerit. The textured coating that was applied to German tanks in WWII to protect against magnetic mines... despite the fact that the mines were only used widely by German forces.
e0oVJ TIL that standing in the background of the famous Beatles’ album “Abbey Road” is a man named Paul Cole, an American tourist. He was standing outside on the street waiting for his wife to finish exploring a museum when he accidentally photobombed one of the most famous pics in history.
rAny TIL that resumes with White sounding names (e.g. Emily and Brendan) elicit 50% more callbacks than resumes with African American sounding names (e.g. Lakisha and Jamal). This discrimination persists even when resumes with African American names list more credentials than resumes with White names.
4X6Ma TIL Ameican women didn't start shaving their armpits until 1915... this sudden change was due to an advertisement in Harper's Bazaar fashion magazine. It was so effective that now 90% of US women shave their pits.
YBPB TIL that Aerogel, also known as frozen smoke, is the world’s lowest density solid, clocking in anywhere from 95-99% air. If you hold a piece in your hand, it is almost impossible to feel or see, but if you poke it, it is like styrofoam. Also, it can support up to 4,000 times its own weight.