› added 5 years ago


TIL that Flamin’ Hot Cheetos were invented by Richard Montañez, a janitor for Frito-Lay. After heeding the call of the then CEO to “act like an owner” he then called the CEO about his idea, which took off as one of their best selling products today

VBAWm TIL that the US Coast Guard uses a captured Nazi German sailboat to train its cadets
PYdRG TIL that satellites in the 1960s used nuclear radiation for power by radioisotope thermoelectric generators. However, in 1964 such a satellite disintegrated and spread approx. 1 kg of radioactive plutonium-238 over the planet. This failure led NASA to develop solar PV energy technology.
vrA7 TIL the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (the largest study of its kind) concluded that human actions are depleting Earth’s natural capital in such a way that the ability of the planet’s ecosystems to sustain future generations can no longer be taken for granted.
7QA7 TIL most bamboo species only flower once every several decades, the entire population flowering at once; and, when one variety flowers, the entire variety flowers at the same time the world over, regardless of location, climate, or any other known factors, for reasons scientists have yet to discern.
jNaJE TIL that sexsomnia is a sleep disorder where people experience sleep-related sexual behavior. These behaviors range from masturbation to sexual intercourse. People with this disorder engage in sexual behaviors while asleep, often with other people.