› added 2 years ago


TIL that an off-brand Olympic Games competition was held in July 1980, called the Liberty Bell Classic, in Philadelphia. It was for the countries that boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow to protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

VB0kQ TIL due to their superior smelling and climbing capabilities, police departments in Southeastern China have started utilizing squirrels as alternate drug sniffer units over the usual canines.
pwbA TIL: That in 1933, former President George W. Bush’s Grandfather; Prescott Bush led a group of wealthy industrialists in a campaign to topple the US Gov’t. during the FDR Administration and install a Fascist Dictatorship.
n6pY TIL Dr. Kellogg firmly believed that red meat increased sexual desire and he advocated a diet rich in nuts and cereals. He began to develop a sort of anti-masturbation food and Kellogg’s Corn Flakes are meant to help decrease your likelihood of masturbation.
XrNR TIL L. Ron Hubbard was quoted saying “Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wanted to make a million dollars, the best way to do it would be to start his own religion.” years before starting Scientology
9n0M TIL there have been computers programmed in “ternary” instead of the conventional binary. One such computer, built by the Soviets in 1958, had distinct advantages over binary computers such as increased power efficiency, cheaper parts and easier implementation of certain operations.