› added 10 years ago


TIL that Studio Six, the phony Hollywood production office used in the movie Argo (and during the real-life rescue), was so convincing that after the rescue was complete and the office had folded, it received 26 scripts, including one from Steven Spielberg

oMmK TIL George R. R. Martin, writer of ASOIAF (Game of Thrones) refered to Breaking Bad as “Amazing” and noted that “Walter White is a bigger monster than anyone in Westeros”, then said it has influenced him to make an even worse character in future books to “fix this”.
X0E7k TIL Daniel Lambert (1770- 1809), the heaviest authenticated person in history at that time, once fought a bear on the streets of Leicester and only gave up horseback hunting when his weight exceeded 560 pounds
neGQB TIL that Egyptian Pharaohs and Deities that weren't known for being born of a God or Goddess had to take part in cannibalistic consumption of a God to take in a power known as hk3w that was later personified as the God Heka.
RxV4 TIL the 1997 video game “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” had a secret ending where Jeff Goldblum implored the gamer to stop playing computer games, go outside, talk to opposite sex and live their lives.
4kEkR TIL that - largely from 1400s onwards - parts of India have had centuries of African rulers. Mainly from East Africa, they rose from merchants, pirates, bodyguards and even slaves to Kings, Admirals, Generals and ruled some princely states well into the 1940s...