› added 7 years ago


TIL that while preparing for his role as Rust Cohle in ‘True Detective,’ Matthew McConaughey wrote a 450-page deconstruction of his character’s life. It detailed the character at 4 pivotal points in his life and explored the mind of a “deep, wild-ass narco.”

p8Xr8 TIL about the arrow of time paradox. Events at the microscopic level are time-symmetric, meaning that if time were symmetrical, a video of those events would seem realistic whether played forwards or backwards. But this isn't the case at the macroscopic level. There is no good explanation for this.
6l4Z TIL a professor in France carried out a 15-year study of 330 women’s breasts, measuring and examining their breasts to study the effects of living without the support of a bra. His conclusion is that a bra is useless.
GY7Q5 TIL soil is not a renewable resource. Soil is 1 of 2 main components of Earth — the other being oceans — where life is active. Human life depends on healthy soil, just like it depends on clean air and clean water, but losses of soil cannot be regained within a lifetime.
EmA7 TIL that the ‘third man factor’ is a syndrome that allows certain people to have an unseen presence (i.e. a spirit) who provides comfort/support during tramatic experiences.
W70kX TIL There is an Airlines Special Service Request code called DPNA which alerts airlines that a passenger with intellectual or development disability is travelling and would need special assistance/attention. This code was introduced by IATA in 2008, but many are not aware of it.