› added 3 months ago


TIL of the 3 sacred gifts of Japan, they are: a sword, a mirror and a jade Jewel. They are believed to have been given over 5,000 years ago to the imperial family from the Shinto goddess, Amaterasu. only the current emperor, Naruhito, and other high-Shinto priests can see it.

e4gg TIL a chemistry grad student accidentally synthesized the chemical MPTP and gave himself Parkinson’s Disease while trying to make opioids - accidentally advancing Parkinson’s research at his own expense
R7n0j Humpback whales are far better known for their bellowing "songs" that can travel up to six miles, but the animals also have quiet voices. Biologists have observed humpback calves “whispering” to their mothers in tones that can be heard only within 330 feet—a strategy to prevent predators, such as orcas, from eavesdropping. Calves also want to avoid adult male humpbacks, which may try to separate the calf from its mother to mate. This shortened time with its mom could ultimately weaken the calf, which needs to drink 50 gallons of milk a day to fuel up for its long migration.
VAvk TIL the Australian skink (a lizard species) lays eggs in some regions and gives live birth in others, thus illustrating evolution in real time
QNk56 TIL Earthquakes leave heat signatures. Friction from large earthquakes can heat the slip zone over 1000 degree Celsius higher than the surrounding rock leaving behind glass-like pseudotachylytes which can be used to estimate the energy of the event.
1an54 TIL Cuban cigar factories hire "lectores" who read stories to the cigar-makers. [Video, 2:15]