› added 7 months ago


TIL Canadians love Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and call it "Kraft Dinner". Most Canadians ignore the instructions and believe that they have a unique way of preparing the food, like adding wieners or cheese. It was created in the Great Depression and has been described as "Canada's True National Dish"

1aYkX TIL that in the 60s, the Dutch were so frustrated with the government's monopoly on TV that they built an artificial island in the North Sea to transmit uncensored television. Eventually, the Netherlands legally expanded its maritime claim and the military raided the island by air.
l7691 TiL that Noel Gallagher wrote Oasis's first hit single ("Supersonic") in half an hour during a break in a recording session while the rest of the band got Chinese takeout.
6E7Y7 TIL That Gert Fröbe, the actor who played Goldfinger in the eponymous Bond film, saved two Jews during World War 2. He was a former Nazi Party member, and Israel banned his films after this became known. But when one of the Jews he saved spoke up for him, they rescinded the ban.
jNAMv TIL Break-ups are more hurtful for men: In a study of around 5,705 participants from 96 countries, it was found that whilst women experience intense pain immediately after a break-up, they get over it pretty quickly. Whereas men, on the other hand, move on quickly but remain damaged for longer.
PJdw TIL the primitive immune system of a horseshoe crab makes them useful to humans. Every drug certified by the FDA must be tested using an extract from their blood cells. Their blood is worth ~$15,000 a quart. A horseshoe crab can be bled, returned to the ocean, and after time, can give blood again.