› added 1 year ago


TIL the Saturn V rocket, which first took humans to the Moon, weighed just under three million kilogrammes before launch, or roughly the weight of 400 elephants. More than 90% of this weight was fuel alone, leaving a payload of just 43,000 kilogrammes to reach the Moon's orbit.

oLBK TIL Marijuana.com was one of the most expensive domain names to purchase. Selling for exactly 4.20 million dollars
rd4x TIL the European Space Agency and EU are currently deploying an alternative to GPS, called “Galileo”. As well as being accurate to 1cm, it will also have a “Search and Rescue Service”, where distress signals can be picked up from anywhere on Earth. The full system will be completed by 2019.
rRGM4 TIL of Dennis H. Klatt, a computer scientist who programmed Stephen Hawking's voice box. He tirelessly worked on the code while undergoing treatment for cancer, which eventually took his own voice, and his life. Hawking never changed his voice program, saying, "My friend Dennis' voice is my voice"
neDZ9 TIL that Saddam Hussein was forced to watch his cameo in South Park repeatedly while in prison. The creators of the show were given a signed photo of him afterwards
4XXaa TIL that J.R.R Tolkien got the name for Samwise Gamgee from a doctor called Joseph Sampson Gamgee, the inventor of the 'Gamgee tissue', an absorbent gauze surgical dressing made from cotton wool. Hence, Tolkien named Samwise's wife in The Lord of the Rings books Rosie Cotton.