› added 2 years ago


TIL that Kim Il-Sung's parents were devote Christians. Father was part-time Protestant Missionary and Mother was presbyterian. Mother's name, Pan-Sok, is derived from Saint Peter. They married by arrangements of American missionary L. Nelson Bell, the father-in-law of Billy Graham.

6E96X You’re in luck. For their senior project, two Cornell University computer-engineering whizzes recently built a machine that does just that. After learning in class how breathalyzers work, Robert Clain and Miguel Salas assembled a fart detector from a sensitive hydrogen sulfide monitor, a thermometer and a microphone and wrote the software that would rate the emission. A “slight perturbance in the air” near the detector sets it to work measuring the three pillars of fart quality: stench, temperature and sound. Temperature, Clain explains, is critical.
GYve7 TIL When white settlers asked abolitionist John Brown to help drive out Native Americans, he said, "I will have nothing to do with so mean an act. I would sooner take my gun and help drive YOU out of the country."
NyYe TIL China’s Emperor Qin sent his magician to find the elixir of life. The magician sailed away with the “sacrifice” of 6000 boys and girls, lots of wheat, and never returned. Some believe that he settled in Japan and became their first emperor.
Y7MoP TIL The total solar eclipse of April 9, 2043 is very unusual in that it is "Non-Central" and does not have a central line nor a northern path limit. Instead , over half of the umbral shadow falls off into space throughout the eclipse
9YbwB TIL In the 1980s American Airlines sold tickets for unlimited travel (priced around 250000 dollar). One passenger, over a period of 10+ years, traveled more than 10 million miles, accumulated over 40 million frequent flier miles (all of which he gave away), and cost the airline more than $21 million