› added 2 years ago


TIL: Tai Lopez, the infamous YouTube con-man, co-founded a company that currently owns Pier1 Imports, RadioShack, and Modell's Sporting Goods. The company is currently trying to turn RadioShack into a crypto exchange.

lobm1 TIL of the Mountjoy prison escape in Ireland where three IRA men escaped the prison in a hijacked helicopter
nW8dW TIL that the earliest known mention of bad breath occurs in ancient Egypt, where detailed recipes for toothpaste are made before the Pyramids are built. The 1550 BC Ebers Papyrus describes tablets to cure bad breath based on incense, cinnamon, myrrh and honey
b1nN TIL In the 1950’s, during the height of the Red Scare, Einstein offered to appear as a character witness in defense of W.E.B. Du Bois who was being indicted by the feds for failing to register as a “foreign agent.” Einstein’s offer made the judge drop the case.
xV5Q7 TIL Henry Rollins and his friend Joe Cole were held up at gunpoint. Henry escaped but Joe was murdered. Rollins later said he kept a plastic container full of soil soaked with Cole's blood. Rollins said, "I dug up all the earth where his head fell ... I say good morning to him every day"
BrYMK TIL about a environmentalist who took a vow of silence for 17 years. He first started by taking a vow to never use motor vehicles after the 1971 San Francisco oil spill. He even went through school and even got a PHD while being silent. He only broke it when he played his banjo and thanked the crowd