› added 1 year ago


TIL that Ryan Reynolds, AKA Deadpool, has been secretly working with Make-A-Wish Foundation for over a decade, granting more than 600 wishes to children with critical illnesses. He's also donated millions to charity, including funding cancer research and supporting mental health organizations.

v1NmB TIL The act of protection against infection (IfSG) says, German authorities will fully cover your treatment or any economical consequences caused by serious side effects of vacc ines. That includes wages for people who are not able to work anymore or financial support for the family in case of death
KbEQ TIL James Naismith, the inventor of basketball, went on to coach at the University of Kansas where he’s the only coach in school history with a losing record.
907G TIL there’s a bracelet with a white bead that carries water from Mt. Everest and on the opposite side, a black bead which contains mud from the Dead Sea (the highest and lowest points on Earth)
xVNaB TIL that a "Masterpiece" isn't necessarily an artists best ever work. It has it's origin in a master craftsman's show piece for acceptance into a guild, later adopted by apprentice artists as their show piece for their Masters Degree, allowing them to study further - and get better at their craft.
Lkd5v TIL that in 1979, Brenda Spencer shot up an elementary school, killing two and wounding nine other people. When asked why she did it, she replied, "I don't like Mondays..." inspiring the song by the Boomtown Rats song.