› added 7 months ago


TIL - Indonesia has 3 tiger subspecies. The Bali tiger vanished in the 1940s, while the last confirmed sighting of the Javan tiger occurred in the 1970s. This left only the Sumatran tiger, with an estimated population of fewer than 400 individuals, as the sole surviving tiger subspecies in Indonesia

V7wQ TIL that the deepest layer of the ocean, the hadopelagic zone, is named after the realm of Hades, the Greek underworld. This ranges from 6000m (3.7 miles) deep, down to the very lowest reaches. Populations are sparsest here, and are believed to be sustained by marine snow and thermal vents.
b6nv7 TIL Jet Li turned down a role in The Matrix Reloaded because Hollywood producers wanted to record and copy all of his martial arts moves into a digital library, with all IP rights owned by them
NAYM TIL that in 2008 Detroit police used SWAT tactics to raid a party at an art museum. Guns drawn, they forced everyone to the floor before searching every attendee and confiscating over 40 vehicles… all because the museum didn’t have the right alcohol permit.
GA7e5 TIL about Def Jam Rapstar, a 2010 rap karaoke game that caused its developers to be sued for 8 million dollars because it did not get the rights to the songs in the game.
VMeMk TIL the instruction "rinse and repeat" on the shampoo bottle is not a gimmick to sell more shampoo and, in fact, to get the same lather on one attempt requires more shampoo than using a small amount on the first application to rid the dirt without lather and then achieving lather on the second.