› added 1 year ago


TIL the 2010 song Barbra Streisand by Duck Sauce was based on the 1979 song Gotta Go Home by Boney M. The Boney M Song was actually based on the 1973 song Hallo Bimmelbahn by the German band Nighttrain. The wooing vocal sound is meant to sound like a train.

0drrv TIL there was a company called Psystar Corporation that manufactured computers running Apple's Mac OS X Leopard without their permission, resulting in lawsuits from Apple.
grZO8 TIL that Nokia has been in business since 1865.
oBlAL TIL there is an adult Asian elephant with dwarfism living wild in Sri Lanka. Standing around 50% of normal adult size, it is not the result of intentional breeding. It is thought to be the only case of its kind.
6En6Y We’ve been conditioned to think of Covid-19 as a respiratory disease—but it’s not just about the lungs. Evidence is emerging that the coronavirus can cause heart damage in people who’ve had mild symptoms or none at all, especially if those people exercise while they’re infected. If you've just had Covid—even if you didn't have symptoms—you need to be aware of myocarditis. That’s cardiologist-speak for what happens when the muscular walls of the heart become inflamed, weakening the organ and making it more difficult for it to pump blood. It’s not a newly discovered condition, and it turns up pretty rarely, but when it does, it’s most often triggered by an infection. Strenuous activity while the heart is weakened can cause swelling in the legs, dizziness, shortness of breath, and—in serious cases—irregular heartbeat, cardiac arrest, and sudden death.
W76M4 TIL about Capitan Ricky Robin, a shrimper who rode out Hurricane Katrina on the shrimp trawler that he built in high school shop class, only to rescue people who were flooded out of their homes, floating on whatever debris they could cling to, for days after the storm until the waters receded.