› added 9 years ago


TIL In early 1943, an underground Jewish resistance was formed at Treblinka, a Nazi concentration camp. Some 700 Jews launched the uprising in August 1943. Only 200 managed to escape the camp and only 70 are known to have made it until the end of the war. Treblinka was closed after the uprising.

OGoXR TIL that dayta is more British & dahta is more American. I've always pronounced data as dayta, particularly as a Star Trek fan growing up. Living in the UK now, watching an American reality competition show, was surprised that most of them pronounced it as dahta & had to check on my stereotypes.
OoEBe TIL that Jason Hook, lead guitarist for metal band Five Finger Death Punch, got his big break as the guitarist for Hilary Duff’s live touring band in 2000.
a8BgL TIL the smoot is a unit of measure named for Oliver R. Smoot, an MIT student who as a fraternity pledge was forced to measure the Harvard Bridge using himself as a ruler. A smoot is equal to five feet, seven inches.
e0D7J TIL 38 elders helped a linguist compile a dictionary of the Klallam language and one contributed 12,000 words to the dictionary over the years. When it was released, KIallam people from all over turned out for the dictionary signing ceremony and some cradled the book like a baby
8a9EL TIL about Keith Cutler, a judge summoned to be a juror on a case he was presiding over. When he applied to be excused from jury service he was initially declined, and was told to write to the resident judge, to which he replied: "I am the resident judge."