› added 7 years ago


TIL Scorpions evolved to glow under UV light and nobody is sure why.

7dGr TIL the CIA had an operation called “Acoustic Kitty” in which they surgically implanted a bugging device into a cat, only to have it being squashed by a taxi on it’s first mission. The project was cancelled shortly after, having cost about $25M or over $185M adjusted for inflation.
WkVvN TIL that in Israel there's a one-day holiday during which nobody drives. Originally a religious limitation, the tradition was adopted by large portions of the population, with adults and children riding bicycles and skating safely on empty, quiet streets (and even highways) across the nation
LQkZV TIL about Kriegspiel, a chess variant where each player can see their own pieces, but not those of their opponent. Players attempt to move on their turns, and the umpire declares their attempts 'legal' or 'illegal'. If the move is illegal, the player tries again; if it is legal, that move stands.
yQkbV TIL the cone snail is considered one of the most venomous animals on earth. Their specialized teeth work like a hypodermic needle and harpoon to skewer and can even pierce a wetsuit. The venom is being used to create a painkiller that is 1000 times more powerful than morphine & less addictive.
NXXKe TIL that the Alt-J album cover “An awesome wave” is a European Space Agency satellite image of the Ganges River Delta in Bangladesh and India and was found by the band when they searched for images related to the word “delta”, the triangle symbol for the band