› added 1 year ago


TIL a territorial loophole created a de facto lawless piece of land between the Dutch and Belgian border. This area became known for hosting illegal raves, drug deals and prostitution. The loophole was closed in 2018 after a headless corpse was found there.

v1VJD TIL that Christopher Columbus never set out to the americas to prove the earth was round,. This myth was created 400 years later by the american story teller Washington Irvin, creator of tales such as “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”
0voA TIL that dogs align themselves with the earth’s magnetic field when pooping. Raw indicates that dogs not only prefer north-south direction, but at the same time they also avoid east-west direction.
Mey77 TIL rhino poaching has been increasing due to the use of its horn in Tradicional Chinese Medicine, despite scientific evidence that it doesn't help healing or improving any disease.
PYxDG TIL in 1957 Tulsa Oklahoma buried a Plymouth Belvedere to commemorate Oklahoma’s 50th anniversary. In addition, citizens entered guesses as to what Tulsa’s population would be in 2007, closets person would win the car. When the vault was opened it was filled with water and the car was ruined.
XdrQ TIL that mathematician Paul Erdös regularly took amphetamines, which worried his friends enough that one bet him $500 that he couldn’t quit for a month. Erdös won the bet, but later claimed mathematics had been set back a month.