› added 1 year ago


TIL that on April 5, 1933, Roosevelt ordered all gold coins and gold certificates in denominations of more than $100 turned in for other money. It required all persons to deliver all gold coin, gold bullion and gold certificates owned by them to the Federal Reserve by May 1 for the set price of $20.

WkWod TIL that the phrase “live in the boonies” comes from the word Boondocks which in turn comes from the Philippine (Tagalog) word Bundok which means mountains, or an out of the way rural area.
XaK8 TIL that learned helplessness means that if, over the course of your life, you have experienced crushing defeat or pummeling abuse or loss of control, you learn over time there is no escape, and if escape is offered, you will not act – you become a nihilist who trusts futility above optimism.
E1lLX TIL that polygamy doesn’t mean one man with multiple females. The correct term for that is polygyny. Polyamory (promiscuity) is a male or female with multiple males and/or females. Polyandry is one female with multiple males and is exceedingly rare because it usually seems to devolve into monogamy.
9g6m TIL in 1994, when the show Married… With Children moved its taping locale from Fox’s Hollywood Studios to the Sony-Columbia locale where the ABC series Full House had taped, prior to taping their first show at the new locale, the cast held an exorcism to rid the studio of the Full House spirits.
7rXvx TIL that Point Nemo, the point farthest from any land, is so remote that astronauts on the ISS are often the nearest humans