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TIL the NERF football was invented by a former NFL placekicker—Fred Cox of the Minnesota Vikings

Oo8kX One night in 1987, a Canadian man named Kenneth Parks drove for 14 miles from his house to his in-laws. He then broke in and made his way upstairs, bludgeoning his mother-in-law with a crowbar that he’d gotten from the boot of his car before stabbing her repeatedly to death. He then proceeded to choke and stab his father-in-law, who miraculously survived. Parks then drove himself to the police station and turned himself in. It sounds like a fairly cut and dry murder case, but after going to trial, Kenneth Parks walked free. Thanks to a combination of a lack of motive, his consistent version of events, and data gathered from EEG readings, no charges were pressed against him because all evidence pointed to the unlikely and bewildering truth that Parks had been sleepwalking. It remains one of the most remarkable cases of homicidal sleepwalking in history.
GjL4 TIL Pinocchio was originally a serial where Pinocchio was generally a rebellious whiny brat, Geppetto was eaten by a shark, the cricket was squashed to death, Pinocchio was hanged by thieves, and his nose growing was a minor point happening only twice and not always due to lying
W7y78 TIL that male bees will ejaculate themselves to death during heatwaves.
KOKDJ TIL President George Washington’s step-grandson in law was Robert E. Lee, commander of the Confederate Army.
ZknR TIL that Ada Lovelace, a female English mathematician and writer, wrote an algorithm in the mid 1800s designed to be carried out by a machine. As a result, she is often regarded as the first computer programmer.