› added 1 year ago


T​IL about James Graham​, ​a 18th century Scottish sexologist, who treated patients at his 'Celestial Bed', a canopied "wonder-working edifice" covered in musical automata, fresh flowers & live turtle dove​s, and which stimulated couples to conceive with oriental fragrances and celestial sounds

D17Av TIL The song Greensleeves is from 1580 and while often said to refer to a promiscuous woman or prostitute whose clothing was stained green from having sex in the grass, it is more likely associated with green being the color of romance in that time period.
vgX8 TIL that babies are believed to naturally follow the philosophy of solipsism, where the only certain fact is the existence of one’s own mind. Eventually, babies realize that other people have experiences like them and reject solipsism.
N7VlQ TIL Fresh snow absorbs sound, lowering ambient noise over a landscape because the trapped air between snowflakes attenuates vibration. That´s why it gets so quite when it snows.
k6pW TIL that there is a belief among creationist Christians that Charles Darwin on his deathbed recanted his studies on evolution to the evangelist “Lady Hope”. This of course, never happened and the two never actually ever met.
8oNb TIL Neil deGrasse Tyson assisted DC Comics in selecting a real-life star that would be an appropriate parent star to Superman’s home planet Krypton. A red dwarf star in the constellation Corvus was chosen. Corvus is also Latin for “Crow” which is the mascot of Superman’s high school.