› added 10 years ago


TIL that the translations of Harry Potter preserved the Tom Riddle/I Am Voldemort anagram. To do so, his first name in the Danish is “Romeo”, his middle name in the French is “Elvis,” and his name in Slovenia is “Mark Neelstein.”

mx8DP TIL that Joseph Christopher (.22-Calibre Killer) attempted to admit himself in a psychiatric center weeks before his killing spree but was deferred to counseling instead.
W76K8 TIL that elements of the ancient Mesopotamian religion (first formed in the 6th millennium BC) may have survived until the early 20th century. The Shamsīyah, a sect of sun-worshippers, persisted in southeastern Turkey (sometimes outwardly adopting Christian customs) until the early 1900s.
YpoOG TIL at 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake, Canadian ice makers secretly hid a loonie (dollar coin) at center ice of the hockey rink. After both Canadian men and women hockey teams won gold, the "lucky loonie" was put in the Hockey Hall of Fame. Canadians still hide coins at the Olympics for luck.
p80jQ TIL In 1999, people believed that Furbies contained computer chips so they could record words and repeat them. The U.S. satellite intelligence operation banned Furbies - in essence, accusing the toy of being a Chinese-manufactured spy, a secret-stealing bugging device capable of eavesdropping.
mxXry TIL The oldest known piece of music is a drinking song called the Epitaph of Seikilos. Its lyrics include the line "Life exists only for a short while, and time demands its toll."