› added 5 years ago


TIL that in ancient Rome, giving fellatio was seen as a disgusting, shameful act, while receiving it wasn't. So sometimes petty crimes were solved by punishing the criminal through forcing him/her to perform fellatio on the victim of the crime, instead of taking the case to court.

OGgXe TIL: The Swingjugend was a German counter culture group of teenagers who admired the American way of life and thought the Hitler's Youth was uncool compared to the swing scene. They called their opposition the "Homo Youth" and too chaste (virgins). Their leaders were sent to the camps.
R7mmw TIL The 3 Stooges shot a pilot called Jerks of All Trades in 1949 intended as a weekly sitcom where the Stooges would try a different job/business every week. Columbia Pictures claiming the TV series would compete with their two-reels threatened to cancel their contract so the show was abandoned.
ARL4 TIL of Maximilian Kolbe, a priest in Auschwitz who volunteered to die in the place of a stranger who cried out “My wife! My children!”. In the gas chamber, he kept all the others sentenced to death calm and was the last one to die.
VQGQ TIL that in 1973, the Vanderbilts held a family reunion. Not one of the 120 decedents were millionaires at the time
j6kyn TIL In Canada 2013, two little boys on a sleepover were strangled to death by a 100lb python. The snake came thru a vent from a pet shop below their room. The owner was eventually found not guilty of negligent homicide.